My Go-to 'Clean Beauty' Foundation


I'm not a zealot when it comes to natural beauty products, but when I do find 'less toxic' or 'clean' options for make-up or personal care that are effective for me, I'll stick with them. Determing what make-up products you feel comfortable using is a very personal decision. My current foundation of choice happens to be a 'clean beauty' option: Alima Pure Liquid Silk Foundation in the shade Heat (it's a dark medium shade with warm undertones). You can read more about the brand on their website. In general, foundations/face make-up aren't the easiest items to find 'clean beauty' dupes for because the color palettes available are generally limited for people of color. Frankly, there are still too few make-up brands that offer a wide range of color options for all colors even among mainstream brands. Strides have been made with brands developing wider ranges of shades but there's still some room for growth on that front among make-up brands. I'm excited about the prospect of more foundation options being available that work beautifully for a wider range of skin tones AND have ingredients that aren't toxic. On another note Vapour Organic Beauty and Plain Jane Beauty's shade ranges look promising in terms of offering a wider range of shades...I plan to try those brands in the near future.

Note: This foundation does have coconut oil in it, and some people are sensitive to coconut oil used on the face.